Γιουβέτσι με μοσχάρι και μανέστρα
- Προετοιμασία: 30 λεπτά
- Μαγείρεμα: 2 ώρες και 30 λεπτά
Μερίδες: 4
Υλικά συνταγής
- μανέστρα ή μανεστράκι: 500 γρ.
- μοσχάρι: (κιλότο, σπάλα ή ελιά) 1½ κιλό, κομμένο σε μερίδες
- ντομάτες: 1 κιλό, ώριμες
- ντοματοπελτές: 1 κουταλιά της σούπας
- κρεμμύδια: ξερά 2 ψιλοκομμένα
- σκόρδο: 6 σκελίδες, ψιλοκομμένες
- βούτυρο: φρέσκο 1/2 φλιτζάνι του τσαγιού
- ελαιόλαδο: 1/2 φλιτζάνι του τσαγιού
- αλάτι: λίγο
- πιπέρι φρεσκοτριμμένο
- δάφνη: 1 φύλλο
- κεφαλογραβιέρα: 180 γρ. τριμμένη (προαιρετικά)
Εκτέλεση συνταγής
- Αφαιρείτε τις φλούδες και τους σπόρους από τις ντομάτες και τις τρίβετε. Πλένετε, στεγνώνετε το κρέας και το αλατοπιπερώνετε. Το βάζετε σε πήλινο ταψί με σκέπασμα, του προσθέτετε το σκόρδο, το λάδι, τις ντομάτες, τη δάφνη και το ντοματοπελτέ διαλυμένο σε λίγο ζεστό νερό.
- Σκεπάζετε και ψήνετε στους 180 °C για 1 ώρα και 30’. Σοτάρετε στο βούτυρο τα κρεμμύδια για 2’ - 3’, μέχρι να μαραθούν. Κατόπιν ρίχνετε στο ταψί τη μανέστρα ή το μανεστράκι, τα κρεμμύδια και ζεστό νερό. Συνεχίζετε το ψήσιμο (πάντα με το πήλινο σκεπασμένο) για 1 ώρα ακόμη, συμπληρώνοντας ζεστό νερό αν χρειάζεται. Πασπαλίζετε, αν θέλετε, με το τριμμένο τυρί.
Κοτόπουλο γιουβέτσι
- Μερίδες: 6
- Δυσκολία: μέτριο
Υλικά συνταγής
- κοτόπουλο: 1, περίπου 1 1/2 κιλό
- κριθάρακι χοντρό: 500 γρ.
- ελαιόλαδο: 1 φλιτζάνι
- σκόρδο: 5-6 σκελίδες
- κανέλα: 1 ξυλάκι
- γαρίφαλα: 2-3
- αλάτι
- πιπέρι: φρεσκοτριμμένο
- ντομάτες: 5-6 μεγάλες, ώριμες
Εκτέλεση συνταγής
- Καθαρίζετε το κοτόπουλο καλά, το πλένετε και το κόβετε σε μερίδες. Καθαρίζετε το σκόρδο και το τσιγαρίζετε με το λάδι σε μεγάλη κατσαρόλα. όταν ξανθύνει, ρίχνετε και τα κομμάτια του κοτόπουλουν να ροδίσουν κι αυτά. Προσθέτετε τις ντομάτες ξεφλουδισμένες και ψιλοκομμένες, αλάτι και πιπέρ, τα γαρίφαλα και την κανέλα. Όταν το κοτόπουλο βράσει, το βγάζετε με την τρυπητή κουτάλα.
- Προσθέτετε
ανάλογο νερό στην κατσαρόλα και αφού πάρει βράση ρίχνετε το κριθαράκι
και το ανακατεύετε συχνά γιατί κολλάει. Όταν κοντεύει να βράσει,
ξαναρίχνετε μέσα το κοτόπουλο και αφού πάρουν όλα μαζί μια βράση,
αποσύρετε από τη φωτιά. Σερβίρετε με κεφαλοτύρι τριμμένο (προαιρετικά).
Κριθαράκι (μανέστρα) με κρέας στην κατσαρόλα
Υλικά συνταγής
- 1 κιλό μοσχάρι (ποντίκι ή ελιά) σε μπουκιές
- 2 καρότα σε χονδρές ροδέλες
- 1/2 φλιτζάνι ελαιόλαδο
- 1 κρεμμύδι ξερό, ψιλοκομμένο
- 1 σκελίδα σκόρδο, ψιλοκομμένη
- 1 κουταλιά πελτέ
- 1 κουτί ντοματάκια ψιλοκομμένα
- 1 ποτηράκι του κρασιού κόκκινο κρασί
- 1l ζωμός κρέατος, έτοιμος ή σπιτικός
- 1 πακέτο κριθαράκι (μανέστρα)
- αλάτι, πιπέρι, 4-5 κόκκοι μπαχάρι, λίγο μοσχοκάρυδο
Εκτέλεση συνταγής
- Ροδίζετε το κρέας σε δυνατή φωτιά με ελαιόλαδο απ' όλες τις μεριές. Προσθέτετε το κρεμμύδι, τα καρότα και το σκόρδο και συνεχίζετε το σοτάρισμα. Προσθέτετε τον πελτέ και ανακατεύετε καλά μια δυο φορές. Σβήνετε με το κρασί, σκεπάζετε την κατσαρόλα 1'-2'μέχρι να αρχίσει να εξατμίζεται.
- Ανοίγετε την κατσαρόλα και προσθέτετε το ντοματάκι, αλάτι, πιπέρι, το μπαχάρι και λίγο μοσχοκάρυδο. Ρίχνετε το μισό λίτρο ζωμό και μαγειρεύετε για 50'σε μέτρια φωτιά μέχρι να γίνει το κρέας συμπληρώνοντας με υγρό αν χρειάζεται ενδιάμεσα.
- Προσθέτετε το κριθαράκι συμπληρώνοντας σταδιακά με ζωμό (και ζεστό νερό, αν χρειαστεί) ώστε να έχει η κατσαρόλα ικανοποιητικό υγρό για όσο χρόνο μαγειρέματος υποδεικνύει η συσκευασία του. Ανακατεύετε τακτικά ώστε να ελέγχετε τα υγρά. Σκοπός είναι μέχρι να γίνει το κριθαράκι, να έχει απορροφήσει τους πολλούς ζωμούς αλλά να μην έχει στεγνώσει τελείως.
- Κατεβάζετε από τη φωτιά και το αφήνετε για λίγο να ρουφήξει το υπόλοιπο υγρό. Σερβίρετε, αν θέλετε, με τριμμένο τυρί.
Ravani with Chios mastic
- 50g melted butter, plus a little more for greasing the pan
- 5 eggs, separated
- 230g sugar, plus 1 tbsp
- 250g semolina, plus a little more for the baking tin
- 75g white almonds
- 3-4 pieces Chios mastic
- 50g almond flakes
- vanilla extract
Preheat the oven to 180°C. In a mixer, beat the egg yolks and half the sugar until you have a frothy, off-white mixture.
In a blender, powder the almonds, mastic, and 1 tsp sugar.
In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites with the rest of the sugar
until you have a meringue. Add the meringue little by little to the yolk
mixture, alternating with semolina, vanilla extract, and almonds,
softly mixing until smooth. Finally, add the melted butter and mix a
little more until smooth.
Grease a medium-sized baking tin with butter, sprinkle with some
semolina, and pour the mixture into the tin. Sprerad the mixture evenly
using a spatula, and decorate with almond flakes. Place the tin in the
bottom oven shelf and bake for about 50 minutes until golden.
Upon removing from the oven, cut into pieces and leave to cool completely.
Prepare the syrup in a pan, adding all the ingredients except the
butter, and boil for 7 minutes. Once boiled, add the butter, mix, and
pour over the cake, spoonful by spoonful. Let the cake absorb all of the
syrup and cool down. Cut into slices and serve on its own or with
kaimaki ice cream.
Preheat the oven to 180°C. In a mixer, beat the egg yolks and half the sugar until you have a frothy, off-white mixture.
The ravani is ready when golden in colour, and when dipping a knife into it, it comes out cleanΠηγη
Ravani with yogurt from Veria
- Makes 20 slices:
- 1/2 cup coarse semolina
- 1/2 cup all purpose flour
- 2 cups yogurt
- 1/2 tsp baking soda
- 1 cup sugar
- 1 cup melted butter
- 6 eggs
- peel of 1 lemon
- 1/2 cup powdered almonds
- 20 whole almonds, unsalted
- For the syrup:
- 3 cups sugar
- 3 cups water
- juice of 1/2 lemon
In a bowl, mix half the sugar with the semolina. In a separate bowl,
add the yogurt, baking soda and lemon peel, then add to the semolina
mixture. Leave to rest for 1 hour.
In a mixer, beat the butter with the rest of the sugar and egg yolks
until frothy and smooth. Beat the egg whites into a meringue.
Add the yolk mixture and the powdered almonds to the yogurt mixture and combine. finally add the meringue, mixing carefully.
empty the mixture into a greased baking tin and bake in a preheated oven at 200C for 30 minutes.
For the syrup: boil the water, sugar, and lemon juice for 5 minutes.
Leave the cake to cool a little, then pout the warm syrup over it.
Place back into the oven and bake for a further 10 minutes until the top
has caramelized. Remove from the oven and let it basorb all of the
syrup. cut into slices, placing a whole almond at the centre of each
In a bowl, mix half the sugar with the semolina. In a separate bowl,
add the yogurt, baking soda and lemon peel, then add to the semolina
mixture. Leave to rest for 1 hour.
Chestnut!!!A winter fruit!
A winter image most loved and ever so familiar to Greeks; one that has inspired painters, novelists and song makers: it is none other than the image of the chestnut-seller sitting next to his portable brazier, at the corner of the street, roasting chestnuts on the charcoals and selling tasty snacks to passers-by. Who could really say no to the tantalizing aroma of roasted chestnuts, drifting in the air, inviting everyone to stop briefly for a scrumptious healthy snack? The chestnut is after all a food of high nutritional value with a great taste which will satisfy your appetite and bring warm feelings to your heart!
So, next time you go out, look for the chestnut man, taste and feel the atmosphere of the Greek winter!
Wintertime Recipes
You can try chestnuts on their own, roasted, boiled or baked in the oven; use them also in your recipes and add a unique flavour and colour to your culinary pursuits, as both your sweet and salted creations will gain greatly by this ingredient’s mellow, rich taste. Although they are the perfect accompaniment to pork and poultry, the Greek traditional confectionery is where they are mostly used in. Enjoy them as a spoon sweet, in jams and spreads and you will certainly love it in cakes such as tsoureki, vasilopita and sweet breads!
Chestnut festivals!
Chestnuts grow everywhere in Greece in Macedonian forests in the north and all the way down to Cretan mountains in the south; the new harvest is cause for celebration in many parts of the country. Join the locals in mountainous villages across the land and savour this valuable winter fruit with a glass of tsipouro [a strong spirit] or wine!
In the Peloponnese
It is time for chestnuts in late October! If you travel to Kastanitsa, a picturesque village on the eastern mountainside of Mt Parnonas, apart from chestnut dishes, you can try herbal mountain tea, traditional bean soup, boiled goat meat, wine and tsipouro. The feast includes various events involving traditional music and dancing, a cooking contest as well as an activity for the little ones: a chestnut spoon contest!
In neighbouring Arna, Laconia, you can try roasted chestnuts, boiled or in sweets next to locally made tsipouro. Before leaving, make sure you carry with you some local produce such as walnuts, pomegranate, quince and mountain herbs. You will find them in the open air marketplace in the central square during the festival.
Another chestnut festival takes place in Ampeliona village, Messinia. Taste roasted chestnuts, hot bean soup and a shot of tsipouro near Trani Vrysi, the imposing stone fountain in the village square and then take a walk in the neighbouring chestnut tree forest. It is a 4km route to be taken on foot or by car through the dense woods!
On the islands!
A chestnut festival is a rare thing to see on an island… or maybe not?? Picturesque Agiassos on Lesvos Island is famous for its chestnut forest and the feast in November is all about welcoming the new harvest. Follow the trails in the forest, pick chestnuts along your way or watch a theatre or music performance, fill your suitcase with cheese, herbs and sweets made by the members of the Women’s Agricultural and Manufacture Cooperative of Agiassos or by other local producers.
If you happen to travel to Crete in late October or early November, make sure you visit Elos and Prassé villages near Chania. You can try baked chestnuts next to traditional roasts, and the chestnut spoon sweet.
A treat of chestnut and tsipouro welcomes visitors to Ano Chora in the mountainous Nafpaktia region in early October. The braziers and distillation boilers are set up early in the day in the village’s paved square, awaiting visitors, whereas in the afternoon local ladies offer traditional pies and sweets such as pancakes, loukoumades, baklava, ravani, kourabiedes and spoon sweets.
A chestnut festival is put up also in Mavrilo village on the east slopes of Mt Velouchi in late October. Try the local chestnuts next to traditional pies accompanied by a glass of tsipouro under the shade of age-old plane trees; visit also the renovated gunpowder mill at the village entrance.
A Chestnut and Tsipouro festival is also held yearly in Rodavgi, Arta. Enjoy roasted or boiled chestnuts and fragrant tsipouro made from zampela – a local grape variety, against the majestic backdrop of Mt Pindus Range and artificial Lake Arachthos.
A stone’s throw from Thessaloniki, in Livadi, Thermi, a chestnut festival takes place in the main square with the centuries-old plane tree. Follow the beautiful chestnut forest trails and enjoy the lovely view of Anthemounta valley and the horse shoe shaped Thermaikos Gulf.
Tip: Do you know the expression ‘pull someone’s chestnuts out of the fire’? It suggests boldness and bravery!
Roasted Beet and Cucumber Salad with Yogurt Dressing
- 1 pound beets
- 1 English cucumber (large, approximately 16 inches)
- one small red onion, sliced (about 1/2 cup)
- 1/2 cup full-fat Greek yogurt (for dairy-free use paleo mayo)
- 3 cloves garlic, minced
- 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
- 4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
- 1 tablespoon chopped fresh dill
- 2 tablespoons chopped fresh mint
- 1/2 teaspoon sea salt (or more to taste)
- 1/4 teaspoon white pepper
- Cut the greens from the beets and reserve. (You could use them in this beet greens with garlic recipe!)
- Cut off the very top of each beet and clean them thoroughly.
- Wrap the beets in foil and roast at 350 degrees for 45-60 minutes. Unwrap the beets and allow them to cool until warm but cool enough to handle. Remove the skin from the beets with your fingers or a paper towel. Slice the beets and cucumbers into uniform pieces. Slice the red onion and add to a medium-large bowl with the beets and cucumbers.
For the yogurt dressing,
- combine the minced garlic, vinegar, olive oil, salt and pepper. (You can allow this to marinate for a while if you prefer.) Add the yogurt, dill and mint and stir until well-combined.
- Pour the garlic yogurt dressing onto the vegetables and stir gently.
- Serve immediately or refrigerate.
Serves 6-8
Even the spoon was pretty.
This roasted beet and cucumber salad gets even better after being in the refrigerator for a few hours. With time it gets even more purple (purpler?). I like to prep it early in the day, allow it to hang out in the refrigerator and get nice and cold until time for dinner. It goes particularly well with wild salmon cooked with a lemon/dill sauce.
In the interest of full disclosure I have to admit neither one of my boys will eat this salad. Boo! One of them likes cucumbers but not beets and the other one likes beets and not cucumbers. Sigh. This is the story of my life with them. But, hey, they appreciate the beauty of the dish and that’s at least something.
UPDATE: A few people have asked about non-dairy options. After asking around with some family members, I confirmed the original recipe used mayo. So I recommend you substitute some homemade paleo mayo for the Greek yogurt. You may want to use slightly less mayo or at least start with less and increase the quantity to get the flavor and consistency you prefer.
Even the spoon was pretty.
This roasted beet and cucumber salad gets even better after being in the refrigerator for a few hours. With time it gets even more purple (purpler?). I like to prep it early in the day, allow it to hang out in the refrigerator and get nice and cold until time for dinner. It goes particularly well with wild salmon cooked with a lemon/dill sauce.
In the interest of full disclosure I have to admit neither one of my boys will eat this salad. Boo! One of them likes cucumbers but not beets and the other one likes beets and not cucumbers. Sigh. This is the story of my life with them. But, hey, they appreciate the beauty of the dish and that’s at least something.
UPDATE: A few people have asked about non-dairy options. After asking around with some family members, I confirmed the original recipe used mayo. So I recommend you substitute some homemade paleo mayo for the Greek yogurt. You may want to use slightly less mayo or at least start with less and increase the quantity to get the flavor and consistency you prefer.
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