
Octopus (the simplest and tastiest)


  • 1kg octopus
  • 1/2 cup red wine vinegar
  • ¼ cup of extra virgin olive oil
  • Freshly ground pepper

Cooking octopus with red wine vinegar is a very easy and simple way to cook octopus, just try it. I guess all perfect recipes are simple and easy.

To start this wonderful recipe you put the octopus into a large pan with nothing else and set the flame on the lowest setting possible. Boil the octopus with the lid on for 60 minutes. With the slow cooking the octopus will boil in its own juices. Do not add any water (my aunty was saying the octopus is thirsty and will drink it all). Be careful not to add any salt, as the octopus is salty enough. Take the lid off and let the juices vaporise until you have no more liquid in the pan. When that is done, remove the octopus from the pan…

…Place it on a chopping board, cut it into small pieces and keep the juices in a bowl.

Into a very hot pan, add the olive oil and fry the octopus for only 3 minutes or until it colours. This will allow the octopus to get crispy on the outside. Deglaze with the vinegar and wait for it to evaporate. Pour in the juices from boiling the octopus, that you have kept aside. When cooked nicely, the octopus should be crunchy!

Season the octopus well with freshly ground pepper and put it on a nice plate. It’s ready to be served!

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